Yesterday I decided what would be the main subject of my final these at the Polytechnic. It is something I start liking some time ago, just meanwhile I become more interest about the identity of the cities and how the field professionals such as architects, designers and researchers could decode, analyze and try to understand the city and its habitants given signs to produce new ways of dealing with this relationship.
That studies, will not only give me the opportunity to enhance knowledge, become aware of the history and culture of the place I am living, get to know all the urban, migratory and economic processes Torino has been through but also and mainly try to develop a suggestion for a new visual identity for the city.
Well, that is just the initial thought. I have to figure out in what scale should I work, for example my own neighborhood or the entire city? Or even the metropolitan region composed by small cities around here? I'd say I prefer the small scale, such as Borgo San Salvario.
My own quartiere has a lot to do with the West European and African immigration into the EU richer countries and the traces of cultural mixture are everywhere. I'd like to be able to connect and integrate all this people from abroad and try to make them feel here as their home too. Creating this connection with the places, ones tend to become more respectful and take better care of things as well.
I believe also that this have to do with the feelings and sensations such as happiness, contentment and joy in spite of the madness of the uncontrolled urbanization and the high speed of contemporary relation processes ands the giant amount of available information.
I don't know, but maybe that's the reason people get unhappy and unsatisfied nowadays. For me, the open possibilities and the enormous information access create a feeling that every effort you make to try to follow the moving events of life seams not enough. I feel this often. Even trying to do as many things as possible to keep going, I have this feeling that I'm letting some things behind. And that sometimes make me sad.
But that was just a thought among all the context reflexion.
Well, I'll transcript a part of the back cover describing this book I'm reading written by the Italian architect Mario Botta and a well-known psychologist Paolo Crepet called Dove abitano le emozioni - La felicità e i luoghi in cui viviamo.
Le nostre emozione dipendono infatti anche e sopratutto dai luoghi in cui passiamo il nostro tempo: i colori, la luce e l'organizzazione degli ambiente possono generare solitudine, benessere, disagio, stimolare creatività o noia. (...)
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