Che cosa mi mancherà di più?! Camminare o andare su quei vecchi tram, che sembrano fermi nel tempo, in mezzo ad una città così bella come Torino. Sicuramente mi mancherà l'aria di un'altra epoca che c'è qui.
Gli occhi perfetti e truccati, la gestualità delle mani, l'accento che tanto mi piace. Ovviamente i cari amici che ho conosciuto. Persone che mi hanno aiutato a vivere all'estero senza pensare da dove venivo. Grandi sono loro.
Cosa non mi mancherà!? Non avere purtroppo mi sentito completa. Un'eterna attesa mescolata da una goccia di angoscia.
Tornare anche mi sembra che sarà difficile. Non in un primo momento, ma dopo, di sicuro, mi sentirei lontano della bellezza che ho imparato a ammirare.
Il bilancio
Pioggia di sera
Tonight the rain falls down outside and besides a lot of things going on I feel peacefully. With a feeling that things are going according to plans I can hear the non-silence of the water and the cars on the street that have become "the" sound tonight.
That's all I have and I feel like enjoying. Maybe because I expect all those other things that are on my way.
Would I miss this?! That's for sure. People always get nostalgic about things they've passed through. I've learned a lot in Italy and I'll probably take the characteristics
I developed here from now on... Probably for good.
I surely feel more prepared to work. I really thing I've learned lots of things in my professional field. I've got to read and study more also.
The only thing that is missing is the joys of my days. There's always this feeling of waiting that I'm tired of. I want that time to come. I just need it.
Depois de váriaaas
For a while I've been shy about posting here. I don't know exactly why. The real reason is that when you get really busy or really happy, you probably will forget to write about feelings.
That doesn't explain the shyness or not recalling writing. But who can explain everything in life?! I just stopped trying.
I was wondering, all those old famous writers... They all got really successful by writing sad things. Why do people like to write/read stuff from people in emotionally pain?
Maybe someonelse's pain I could stand, but my own, I probably won't.
The solution for this.. I've just figured out. Stop scrolling the bar on the right :P
(*stop seeing the past)